To Link or Not To Link
A colleague recently asked me how I handle LinkedIn invitations from people I don’t really know. Another colleague asked about connecting to people whose reputation is questionable. While the same questions can be asked about Facebook, Google Plus and other social media, because of the differences in the types of services and benefits each offer, […]
Books We Trust: The Seven Stages of Money Maturity
George Kinder, father of the Life Planning movement and founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, talks to us about the first of his books on the integration of financial planning and the human condition, The Seven Stages of Money Maturity, in the latest installment of the Books We Trust author interview series. Life Planning Trusted […]
The Dark Side of Work to Come
If one wants to be a pessimist about the future of work, there is no shortage of opportunities to nurture one’s paranoia. A compelling new work by Lynda Gratton—The Shift: The Future of Work is Already Here—could feed your dark fears. But she also shines considerable light on them, showing the way out, and the […]
Talk To Us
The pragmatic, field-oriented follow-on to the classic The Trusted Advisor. Green and Howe go deep into the how-to’s of trusted business relationships—loaded with stories, exercises, tips and tricks, and deeply practical advice.
“Sales” and “Trust” rarely inhabit the same sentence. Customers fear being “sold” — they suspect sellers have only their own interests at heart. Is this a built-in conflict? Or can sellers serve buyers’ interests and their own as well? The solution is simple to state, hard to live—and totally worth the effort.