Lisa McArthur
Who I’m Following:
As a consultant, I design, lead and facilitate workshops for our clients in Canada. Naturally curious, I enjoy understanding the unique goals and challenges of each of my clients and creating programs to help them build lasting changes in their organizations. I focus on creating safe learning environments that allow participants to openly raise issues, explore ideas and generate new personal insights.
I am also a strategy consultant and executive coach. With over 25 years of experience leading sales, technology and consulting teams, I have worked with many clients on some of their largest projects and know first-hand how impactful trusting and collaborative relationships can be. I have worked with clients in financial services, manufacturing and retail industries on projects ranging from infrastructure to mergers and industry strategy to sales transformation. I have a B.A. from the University of Waterloo and hold certificates in business strategy, coaching and project management.
My Trust Story
I was working as a sales leader for one of our clients, a large financial services company. My role was to build our consulting business in a division where we had had limited success. Over time, I was meeting regularly with contacts across the organization but business was still slow. We had identified a couple of opportunities that seemed promising but nothing of note yet.
“Out of the blue”, I got a call from the VP of one area. She was looking for someone to help her with some business transformation work she wanted to do and was I interested. She wanted me to spend the next two weeks with her as she interviewed senior staff across her organization and create a vision for the future.
Of course, my answer was yes. I was given unprecedented insight into their business and introductions to key decision makers. One night as we were working late, I asked her “why me”. Her reply…when she had asked for a proposal on another possible project, I provided the proposal as requested but explained why I thought the business case was weak. My transparency then gained her trust as we demonstrated that we had her best interests at heart. The result; I spend two weeks with an incredible mentor and my company ultimately won many subsequent consulting engagements.
My take-away – a long-term perspective and focus on the needs of the other will always pay long term benefits.
My Services
As a consultant, I lead our Becoming a Trusted Advisor program and Trust-based Selling program for clients in Canada. I coach participants on trust based tools and approaches as they apply what they have learned to real-world situations. I am also a public speaker and deliver 45-90 minute presentations on trust-related topics including building trust-based relationships, trust and leadership, and trust and teamwork.