Geoff Snavely


My passion is to make a positive difference in the lives of people, both personally and professionally, so they feel motivated to become the best possible version of themselves.

I believe this can be done by challenging the status quo and through a process of “Disruptive Discovery”, in an effort to help people and companies understand their unique needs. I make a constant effort to build these relationships with my family, friends, colleagues, peers, networking partners, and customers.

I am Vice President – General Manager and part-owner of MilliCare Floor and Textile Care.  Our company takes care of clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic area by understanding their unique needs. We’ve been providing flooring and textile cleaning services for customers in their commercial buildings for over 30 years. My work with MilliCare has given me great insight into the trust challenges associated with selling commodity services and with working in franchise relationships.

I have a Master’s Degree in Organization Development, along with becoming a certified Associate Facilitator with Trusted Advisor Associates. In 2021, I published a book, Disruptive Discovery:  Uncovering the Stuff That Really Matters.  My favorite ways to support people are in the areas of Trust-based Selling, emotional intelligence,  critical thinking, strategy, and helping others build effective working relationships. I live in Annapolis, MD and have two Daughters (Ella and Alex).

Throughout my career, my favorite experiences have resulted from the privilege of helping people develop a skill, discover a solution, or achieve a level of success that they didn’t initially think was possible. I look forward to many more of those opportunities.

My Trust Story

Simply put, my trust epiphany was more like a smack in the head. But I’m beyond grateful for this big old lump on my noggin. Let me explain…

I’ve been a self-proclaimed trust expert for many, many years. I even dedicated a significant amount of attention to the omnipresent influence of trust in our interpersonal relationships in my book (including an entire chapter). Getting on a soapbox to rant about how trust works – and doesn’t work – in countless professional and personal situations wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. A know-it-all? Not exactly, but maybe dangerously close.

Then, something happened. I was introduced to Trusted Advisor Associates and a whole new world of game-changing trust concepts. From there, my trust horizons were broadened, and then some.

I previously was aware of the Trust Equation but only on a surface level. Gaining a deeper level of understanding with this model sparked something inside me. The idea of helping people improve trust in relationships by empowering them to focus on their own trustworthiness has energized me in a new way. As my credibility (one of the trust components) has grown through these learnings, my trustworthiness has done the same.

I’m ready to do my part in making a meaningful impact in your trust journey. Want to join me?

My Trust Temperament

The Connector

If you would like more information, please reach out to us.