About Trusted Advisor Workshops

Our Workshops provide a thought-provoking as well as engaging environment for your team to learn and practice the core principles of creating stronger trust-based, professional relationships. The program’s rich teachings are from drawn from 20 years of research and successful client program development by Trusted Advisor Associates.

Participants leave with in-depth knowledge and actionable tools that can immediately be applied across sales, business development, and client relationships, as well as with peers and colleagues.

These sessions mix solid principles with exercises tailored to attendees’ personal business issues and needs.

What do Trusted Advisor Workshops include?

How are they structured?

  • Ideal for groups of 15-40 participants
  • Led by Trusted Advisor’s experienced Delivery Associates
  • One- and two-day in-person sessions are available at your location
  • Half-day or multi-session workshops are available virtually

What companies have participated?

We’ve worked with over 100 top organizations in North America, Europe and Asia, from Fortune 500 companies to emerging industry leaders. See our client list here.

Our programs are best suited to the following industries:

–          Management Consulting
–          Finance & Accounting Services
–          Technology & Engineering Services
–          Other high-price-point, complex products, and services

Our programs are best suited for the following roles:

  • Sales
  • Business Development & Fundraising
  • Account & Client relationships and services
  • Customer Success

How much does the program cost?

Our professional fees are based on program delivery by the day in-person and by the event virtually. Please contact us for a quote.

From Workshop Participants:

“It was good to be led by an expert … who is passionate about her subject. This was an excellent course – both the content and the instruction.” — 2016 Participant 

“Noelle Mykolenko was great. She had a mastery of the topics and was rarely stumped during discussions. She was great at keeping the structure of the course and meeting all goals while still facilitating extremely open ended discussions.” — 2017 Participant

“Cate did a fantastic job teaching the course. She was energized, extremely knowledgeable,  adaptable, and just fun to be around! It’s hard to keep 30 engineers’ attention for two days … she hit the perfect amount of instruction and exercises … plus time in the hot seat testing out the concepts. A+!” — 2017 Participant

Signature Workshop 1: Being a Trusted Advisor

In our signature workshop attendees learn and practice skills to demonstrate trustworthiness, be more influential and understand the relationship between taking personal risks and building trust.

This program is founded on the Trust Equation (the four components of trustworthiness) and introduces the five-step Trust Creation Process. Clients typically include the TQ Trust Quotient Assessment tool , which gives participants a deeper understanding of their own tendencies when it comes to building trust.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep understanding of the key components of trustworthiness
  • Practical ways to create trust in a variety of common business situations
  • Application of tools and techniques to real-life situations
  • Greater self-confidence, ease and ability to transform risky situations into trust-creating opportunities

Signature Workshop 2: Trust-Based Selling™

Trust and “sales” are not typically thought of in the same sentence. Many B2B and services professionals are not even comfortable seeing themselves as “salespeople.” This program transforms participants’ views of business development by the rigorous application of trust principles. Participants explore critical differences between “selling” and being trusted business advisors. Participants come to see the basic truth that people are actually more likely to buy from those they trust.

Trust-Based Selling™ is not a sales process; it is process-agnostic. It teaches participants how to create trust through any sales process by rigorous application of the Trust Equation, the Trust Creation Process, and the Four Trust Principles.

We also can address specific challenges like networking, closing, answering the Six Toughest Sales Questions, how to address pricing, cross-selling, delivering pitches, and selling to the C-Suite – all from the perspective of trust covered in our three books on trusted business relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding how buyers really buy
  • Tools to focus on real client needs and deeper client relationships, ultimately bringing your sales process to life
  • How to achieve increased win rates, lower price resistance and greater cross-selling effectiveness
  • Greater sense of self-worth and integrity

Signature Workshop 3: Trust-Based Leadership/Organizations

Increased innovation, improved team alignment. heightened collaboration, and more influence – these are only a few of the benefits organizations gain from operating with trust.

Trust-based Leadership/Organizations is designed to teach organization leaders, from team managers to executives, to recognize and develop the behaviors that are critical to build trust in teams and organizations.

This one-day workshop is experiential and interactive. Using the Trust Equation as a foundation, we encourage including the TQ Trust Quotient Assessment tool to help participants identify their strengths and opportunities in building personal trustworthiness. Participants explore trust skills critical for building trust in organizations, and the Trust Principles provide a model for both personal behavior and for scaling trust.

Participants gain actionable skills to lead individuals and teams. Practical exercises demonstrate how trust works and deconstruct the elements of trustworthiness with a focus on what’s most critical for leaders. Throughout the workshop, participants apply concepts to a real-life situation they bring to class, assessing their role in the relationship and creating a personal action plan.

Key outcomes:

  • Ability to define and act upon the difference between trusting and being trustworthy
  • Enhanced teamwork and internal collaboration
  • Creation of a trust-positive environment through role modeling trustworthiness and scaling trust-enhancing behaviors
  • A personal plan for building trust with team members, direct reports and other colleagues

Interested in workshops? Let’s talk.