Entries by Charles H. Green

RIP Sammy the Dog

Lord, let me be the person my dog thinks I am. The pet-owners prayer. Sammy was nearly 15 years old when he departed this world in our arms Saturday morning. My ex- was there with me, as she was when we brought him back from the pound in 2000. You can even see in the pictures, […]

Do You Trust Yourself? Should You?

It’s a compelling headline: Stop Trusting Yourself.  By Northeastern University psychologist David DeSteno, it’s featured in today’s NYTimes, and ostensibly shows that we mistakenly trust ourselves – that if anything, we mis-estimate our own trustworthiness more than that of others. Compelling indeed; but like sugar water, the headline high is brief. The problem is not bad psychology […]

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word ‘Responsible’ Is

If that title reminds you of a Bill Clintonism, that’s no accident. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today joined Mr. Clinton as a recipient of the PTSA (Politicians’ Tortured Syntax Award). But in Christie’s case, we’re not being educated about existential issues – rather, it’s about what we mean when we say we’re responsible. Christie declared […]

A Better New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year! I wrote a good blog post at this time seven years ago, and haven’t improved on it yet. Here it is again. Happy New Year. —————– My unscientific sampling says many people make New Years resolutions, but few follow through. Net result—unhappiness. It doesn’t have to be that way. You could, of […]

Interview with Trust Expert Eric Uslaner

Eric Uslaner is perhaps the world’s leading authority on social trust. He was recently much in the news, as he is every year, with the annual publication of the General Social Survey on trust.  Here are some headlines from our talk this past fall. Charlie Green: Thanks very much for speaking with me. We last talked back […]

This Is How I Work (series)

This is my take on Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series. I was invited by Anthony Iannarino to follow up his post on the same subject. Hope you enjoy it. Location: West Orange, New Jersey, US Current computer: Macbook Air 13-inch (backup computer iMac) Current mobile device(s): iPhone 5s, iPad mini What Apps/software/tools can’t you live without? […]

Integrity: What’s Up With That?

Like trust, integrity is something we all talk about, meaning many different things, but always assuming that everyone else means just what we do.  That leads to some vagueness and confusion. But a careful examination of how we use the words in common language is useful. Integrity and the Dictionary Merriam Webster says it’s “the quality […]

The NFL, Ed Reed, and Trust

Ed Reed is an NFL veteran defensive safety with an outstanding record of performance. But it’s not just physical prowess that gives him his edge – it’s mental too. And I’m not talking about toughness, or attitude, or no-pain-no-gain hype. I’m talking about insight, knowledge, and learning. Those of us in advisory or sales capacities have […]