Entries by Charles H. Green

Buddhist Capitalism

Here’s what’s wrong with current business education, indeed current business thinking—in a nutshell. The current issue of the MIT-Sloan Management Review trumpets the main feature: "Sustainability as Competitive Advantage." You really don’t have to go any further. The clear implication is in the syntax: do this (little) thing, and you’ll get this (big) thing. Do […]

An Easy Way to Increase Your Trust Quotient

I was on the plane yesterday from New York to Seattle.  It’s a breakfast flight.  The menu has three options: French toast, omelette, or cereal with banana. The woman next to me—healthy, casually but not inexpensively dressed, a bag full of intellectual reading material—I peg as a clear cereal-banana candidate. She does not disappoint. When […]

Collaboration as a Strategy, Not a Tactic

First, some context. Two weeks ago I wrote an article in Businessweek.com called Wall Street Run Amok: Harvard’s to blame.  In it, I suggested  that business schools including Harvard have over-taught competition, and under-taught collaboration—a concept more appropriate to our connected times.  CNBC saw the article and interviewed me, albeit over-playing the blame-Harvard angle. Then, […]