Entries by Charles H. Green

The Real Lesson of Toyota: Cultural Insensitivity?

  The obvious story about Toyota—in the US anyway–is their perceived huge loss of trust. Typical is this column yesterday by David Lazarus of the LA Times, titled Toyota: What’s so Hard About Doing the Right Thing?  Suggests Lazarus: “Toyota’s actions throughout this mess — the initial denials, the obfuscating, the gradual acknowledgment of safety […]

February Carnival of Trust is Now Up!

For those unfamiliar, the Carnival of Trust is a monthly collection of the most compelling and thought-provoking posts dealing with the subject of trust within the blogosphere. Each month, the Carnival is hosted by an experienced blogger—who has his or her own strong ideas on the subject of trust. The definition and selection of which […]

Innovation: The Critical Link to Trust

You know how sometimes you hear a theme every once in a while, and you don’t make much of it? But then you hear it five times in a week, and suddenly you say whoah, something’s going on here! That’s how it is for me with trust and innovation. I have now seen enough about their connection […]

Financial Planners Who Sell From Trust

The banking and financial services industry has recently plummeted into the "least trusted groupings" of industries. And not without reason, as this blog and others have pointed out. But of course, that’s not true of everyone. There are some interesting examples of trustworthy and successful behavior in the financial sector. Here are two. A Long-term Perspective: […]