Entries by Charles H. Green

Are You Just Selling a For Sale Sign?

Kierkegaard described philosophy as, “You see a sale sign in a store window. You go in, but find it is only the sign that is for sale.” I sometimes feel that way in our increasingly online world. I got a notification that I had a new twitter follower—let’s just call him Mr. X. I usually […]

The TrustMatters Primer Volume 8

As 2010 draws to a close and New Year resolutions are on the horizon, it’s perhaps an opportune time to think at the 30,000-foot level–at the level of values and principles. That is the theme of the Trust Primer, volume 8. How do principles and values relate to trust? Well, in several ways. For example, […]

The Trust Matters Primer 8

As 2010 draws to a close and New Year resolutions are on the horizon, it’s perhaps an opportune time to think at the 30,000-foot level–at the level of values and principles. That is the theme of the Trust Primer, Volume 8. How do principles and values relate to trust? Well, in several ways. For example, […]