Entries by Charles H. Green

Four Principles of Organizational Trust: How to Make Your Company Trustworthy

Here’s a “Golden Oldie” post from 2011. Has anything changed in the passage of five years? —————————————– Trust, in case you hadn’t noticed, has gotten “hot” lately. But much of it sounds very vague—soft, fluffy, nice-to-have, the buzzword du jour. I’d like to do my part to make it real. To me, that means breaking it down […]

The Purpose Of Sales

Do you hate selling? Do you distrust salespeople? Do you find the whole concept, premise and purpose of sales to be somehow distasteful? You are far from alone. Even the dictionary is loaded with secondary and tertiary meanings of “sales” that suggest selling is considered manipulative, conniving, even morally offensive. This revulsion toward sales isn’t […]

New Year, New Perspective: The Dos and Don’ts of Trust-Based Networking

To kick off the new year, we thought we’d look back at one of our more popular eBooks: The Dos and Don’ts of Trust-Based Networking. It’s the fifth in the our Trusted Advisor Fieldbook series by Charles H. Green and Andrea P. Howe. Each eBook provides a snapshot of content from The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook, which is […]

A Better New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again – resolutions.  We all start to assess how we can improve on the last year.  I wrote a pretty good blog post at this time nine years ago, and I haven’t improved on it yet. Here it is again. Happy New Year! —————– My unscientific sampling says many people make […]

Fear and Loathing in Sales

Why is it that, when it comes to sales within a service-based industry, the very thought of selling seems to leave a bad taste in one’s mouth? Below, we dive into why the fear of sales creeps up on those of us “rewarded” with the extra task of “business development.” Let’s dig a little deeper […]