Mini-Madoff Scandal Scales New Linguistic Heights
A lawyer for R. Allen Stanford made the astonishing claim of “disaffirming” affirmations he had made to the SEC.
Management is Still Fighting the Industrial Revolution
The ideology of management is rooted in 19th century realities; it needs to change.
Trust Matters Primer 2nd Edition
Welcome to the 2nd edition of the Trust Matters Primer – the best of the Trusted Advisor blog. This issue features four trust-related posts. They range topically from collaborative environments to a critique of sales metrics, to the subtext of our daily conversations, to a new view of attraction and retention. This issue introduces four […]
Talk To Us
The pragmatic, field-oriented follow-on to the classic The Trusted Advisor. Green and Howe go deep into the how-to’s of trusted business relationships—loaded with stories, exercises, tips and tricks, and deeply practical advice.
“Sales” and “Trust” rarely inhabit the same sentence. Customers fear being “sold” — they suspect sellers have only their own interests at heart. Is this a built-in conflict? Or can sellers serve buyers’ interests and their own as well? The solution is simple to state, hard to live—and totally worth the effort.