Entries by Charles H. Green

Seduced by Sales Models: It’s Not the Club It’s the Golfer

Have a look from the 30,000 foot level at all the sales models on parade. Spread out below you, reaching to the horizon, you’ll find venerable models like Consultative Selling, Solutions Selling, SPIN Selling, Customer-focused Selling, High Probability Selling, Customer-Centric Selling, Fearless Selling, Provocative Selling, Action Selling, Challenger Selling, and so forth.  Looking over this […]

Bloggers’ Top 10 Annoying Spelling Errors: Spellcheck Won’t Save You

You may be uneducated – but you needn’t advertise the fact. Of course, we all understand typos – though the sight of them uncorrected on a blogpost suggests serious amateurism. But what’s worse is a spelling error that is more than a spelling error – that belies a failure to understand the difference between two very different […]

New Sales Book: Willing to Buy

One of the (mixed) blessings of being a published author is that other aspiring authors send you manuscripts to review (with the hope I’ll promote them). I try to respond when possible, but even then I never promise to recommend a book without first reading it; and most of the time, I don’t. But then every […]

Facts, Phrases, and Ferguson

“Hands up, don’t shoot,” became a chanted slogan for outraged protesters after Michael Brown’s killing in Ferguson, Missouri. There was considerable mainstream media skepticism from the beginning about whether Mr. Brown actually had his hands raised (see Washington Post, December 4; see Newsweek, December 2), though those suspicions didn’t hold back the popularity of the phrase as a rallying […]

Crime, Fear and Trust

Most casual readers of the general press know three things: crime is up, public safety is down, and trust is declining. The problem is: the first two are flat out wrong, and together they cast doubt on the third. Crime and Fear (The following data are compiled from the Atlantic, March 2015, Be Not Afraid). […]

Lost Wallets, Trust, and Honesty

I lost my wallet. Somewhere between a golf driving range and a supermarket, in a 30-minute period, it went missing. I turned things upside down, retraced my paths, left notes with wanting-to-be-helpful staff. I monitored accounts for three days; no bank charges, no credit card hits, so I held off canceling the cards, calling the […]

When Others Abuse Your Trust

Has your trust ever been violated? Did someone, once upon a time, abuse your trust? Have you ever placed your trust in someone or something, only to discover – painfully – that your trust had been misplaced? Yes, almost certainly, you’ve had experiences like that. And they are unsettling – to say the least. The […]