Entries by Charles H. Green

Trust is Not Reputation

Four words can have a big impact: Trust is not reputation. But what does that mean? This year especially it seems the two words have been thrown around interchangeably for some time. I took a look back at the last time I addressed the difference of the two words and how their definitions got confused along the […]

Disclosure Is Not Transparency

Transparency, most of us would agree, is a positive thing.  And disclosure is an obvious way to get there. But transparency and disclosure are not the same thing. And confusing them can actually harm transparency. So – what’s the difference between disclosure and transparency? Transparency and Trust Besides “able to transmit light,” the dictionary defines transparent […]

The Perfect Pitch in Sales: 9 Rules

You’ve heard about “the dog and pony show,” the “beauty contest,” or perhaps “the shoot-out.”  Maybe you just call it “the pitch.” The term is more common in some industries – advertising, executive recruiting, some law firms – but we’re all familiar with it. Typically it’s thought of as an event – a somewhat formal presentation […]

The Twelve Steps of Business Relationships

Twelve-step programs are commonly known as ‘recovery’ programs – a structured approach to getting out of a problem situation.  But what if you turned that perspective on its head? What if you saw a program – particularly one with twelve steps – as something to advance you from an already-good situation to an even better, new […]