Entries by Charles H. Green

Why You’re So Predictable

On the one hand, it seems the world is getting less predictable. On the other hand, looking at the successes of Big Data and AI, haven’t we all at the same time become more predictable? Isn’t that how those kids in Macedonia made thousands of dollars running fake articles on social media? Isn’t that how James Corden […]

What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?

An old business friend told me the other day that the thing he most remembers me saying was, “What problem are we trying to solve?” As he put it, “That little phrase is the key to unfreezing more off-course conversations than any other technique I know of.” I can’t claim invention. I got it from the United […]

Don’t Treat Clients Like Competitors! The Four Principles Of Trust-Based Selling

The words “trust” and “selling” are rarely mentioned in the same sentence, and some people feel that “trust-based selling” is an oxymoron. That says something about the relationships between sellers and their clients. And it’s one reason that professional services firms don’t like the “S” word. We prefer euphemisms like “business development,” itself phrased in […]

Innovation: The Critical Link to Trust

Innovation has been much in the news for more than a few years now. Not as evident is the connection between innovation and trust. Got problems with innovation? R&D not giving you much bang for the buck? Suffering from same-old service offerings? Product un-differentiation got you down? Read on. Observation: Pessimists Don’t Innovate, Nor do they Trust In […]