Waddya, Nuts?
trust trustworthy empathy growth personal
Charles H. Green is founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates LLC; read more about Charlie at http://trustedadvisor.com/cgreen/You can follow him on twitter @CharlesHGreen
trust trustworthy empathy growth personal
trust relationships sex discrimination employment glass ceiling
trust economics freedom
It happens most overtly in a sales presentation: “So tell us, Mr. Jones, why should we choose you?” Words vary. You may recognize: What makes you folks different, what sets you apart? Or, Why should we believe you’re different from all the others? When a client or customer asks that question, many things are going […]
trust focus listening attention
Trust listening silence dialogue communication
Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy was summed up in his “categorical imperative:” Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. Much has been written about this—I won’t add to it. Except to say its relevance is growing due to the “horizontal imperative.” […]
Trust talent skill technique flute practice soul
In order of popularity, they were: A Better New Year’s Resolution – strictly speaking a December post, the suggestion that instead of making a list of resolutions for the new year, we make list of things we’re grateful for, was also the most popular post in January. I’m OK, You’re an Idiot – My inner […]
trust business sales selling influence leadership leaders
In today’s fast-paced work environment, multitasking has become a badge of honor. We pride ourselves on juggling multiple projects, responding to emails during meetings, and switching between tasks with lightning speed. However, this constant task-switching comes with a hidden cost that extends far beyond reduced productivity – the habit of dividing our attention can fundamentally […]
According to a recent Braintrust study on B2B selling, only 33% of sales reps consistently hit their targets. Whether that data point reflects inaccurate goalsetting or a need for upskilling, that’s a lot of rejection. Losing a sale is a challenge that sits squarely at the intersection of business revenue and personal psychology. While it […]