
Hot off the Presses: The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook

We are very happy to officially announce the publication of The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook: A Comprehensive Toolkit for Leading with Trust. Published by Wiley Books, it is now being sold at fine bookstores worldwide and online at major booksellers.

Whose shoulders does it stand on? The book’s pedigree begins with the classic The Trusted Advisor, by Charlie with esteemed co-authors David Maister and Rob Galford in 2000.  In 2005, Charlie wrote Trust-based Selling, which squared the circle of trust and sales.

What’s up with the leadership emphasis? Since 2000, the world has gotten flat, connected and linked—trust drives success. The relevance of trust to leadership has increased 470% (our subjective estimate). We connect the dots.

What’s new? Material on creating a trust-based culture; networking; risk-taking; selling to the C-suite; rapid trust creation; leadership. And more.

Why a “fieldbook”? It’s practical, tactical. Loaded with how-to’s. Deals with the nitty-gritty of situations from business development to dealing with untrustworthy partners. It has so many lists it has a list of lists.

Who likes it? Tom Peters, David Maister, Chris Brogan, Neil Rackham, Jim Quigley, and more…

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We Want Your Stories in Our Book: Enter the Trusted Advisor Fieldbook Story Contest

As announced two weeks ago, we (Andrea P. Howe and Charles H. Green) are writing a book, The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook, to be published by Wiley Books in November. True stories are a critical part of a practical book like that, and we’ve got a ton.

But we’re still short 3-5 stories: namely, the top 3-5 stories from you, the thoughtful and insightful readers of Trust Matters.

So we’re announcing a small contest–please send us Your Great Story about trust in business or organizations. See guidelines below.

If you’re in the Top 3-5, we’ll include your story (mentioning you as source, of course) in the book. In addition to Everlasting Fame, you’ll get a full set of all Charlie’s books, autographed, including the new Trusted Advisor Fieldbook (autographed by both Charlie and Andrea).

If we don’t choose your trust story as among the Top 3-5, we’ll still enter you in a drawing for a free copy of The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook; we will give out one free book for every seven entrants. And even more still, submitted stories that do not get chosen for the book may still get published in the blog Trust Matters.

We realize those are not great extrinsic motivators; the main reason you’d contribute is to share your insights with others. We’d like to get you a great audience for your story that you might not otherwise receive.


Guidelines for Entries:

1. Deadline for entries is 9PM EST, May 13, 2011

2. Send your story in any digital format to ahowe-at-trustedadvisor-dot-com

3. Your story should be no longer than 400 words.

4. The story should be about an experience that you personally had or witnessed–no re-hashes of previously published stories.

5. Subject matter: Any story reflecting an aspect of trust in business or organizational life. Settings could include sales, customer relationships, internal politics, recruiting, reputation–to name a few. Subjects could include trust and risk, trustworthiness, trusting and not trusting, the trust equation components, the process of trust creation, trust recovery–to name a few. For further examples, take a quick skim through back blogposts on Trust Matters, like here, and here, and here, and here, and here.

6. We may (probably will) further edit any stories you provide, but we will review those edits with you; we will only publish what you’re comfortable with.

You’ve been part of our blog for so long; now be part of our book.