Enabling Stupid Marketing (and #Sales) at the Speed of Light: Part 3 of 3
This is the third part of a three-blogpost series. In the first, I argued that “stupid marketing and sales” – defined as “a stultifying obsession with one’s own product features, to the exclusion of any meaningful focus on customer needs, much less wants” – has become endemic. In the second, I stated three reasons for […]
Enabling Stupid Marketing (and Sales) at the Speed of Light. Part 2 of 3.
This is the second of a three-part blog series. In the first, I argued that Stupid Marketing (and sales) has become endemic. Briefly, I defined “stupid” as “a stultifying obsession with one’s own product features, to the exclusion of any meaningful focus on customer needs, much less wants.” In this second part, I want to […]
Enabling Stupid Marketing (and sales) at the Speed of Light. Part 1 of 3
How would you rate the quality of the following three unsolicited emails? What letter grade would you assign to each? Sample A: Hi Charles, I have emailed you a few times now regarding your business cards. Let me know if you are not the correct person, also please tell me who I should be contacting? We […]
Talk To Us
The pragmatic, field-oriented follow-on to the classic The Trusted Advisor. Green and Howe go deep into the how-to’s of trusted business relationships—loaded with stories, exercises, tips and tricks, and deeply practical advice.
“Sales” and “Trust” rarely inhabit the same sentence. Customers fear being “sold” — they suspect sellers have only their own interests at heart. Is this a built-in conflict? Or can sellers serve buyers’ interests and their own as well? The solution is simple to state, hard to live—and totally worth the effort.