The Year In Review?
Which postings did you like the best?
Charles H. Green is founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates LLC; read more about Charlie at can follow him on twitter @CharlesHGreen
Which postings did you like the best?
Used car salesmen remind us that intent matters more then words and behaviors.
The EU’s fishing policy is a failure, for the same reasons that business in general is threatened; we are losing common ground.
The concept of sales as a business process has been overdone, with the result that sales are not being made.
Value creation and destruction extends well beyond the conventions of accounting; destruction of future value shows up in stock prices.
An organization whose employees trust each other has an advantage when it comes to implementing change.
Many people kid themselves that they are being client service oriented, when in fact they are merely being servile; it hurts them.
Exploration of digital social networks can give insights into “normal” networks–like the relatiionship of pharma companies to their customers.
The fastest trust-creating action is simple–answer phone calls and emails very fast.
the government doesn’t go looking for ways to regulate industries; but you can behave badly enough to ensure it will.
In today’s fast-paced work environment, multitasking has become a badge of honor. We pride ourselves on juggling multiple projects, responding to emails during meetings, and switching between tasks with lightning speed. However, this constant task-switching comes with a hidden cost that extends far beyond reduced productivity – the habit of dividing our attention can fundamentally […]
According to a recent Braintrust study on B2B selling, only 33% of sales reps consistently hit their targets. Whether that data point reflects inaccurate goalsetting or a need for upskilling, that’s a lot of rejection. Losing a sale is a challenge that sits squarely at the intersection of business revenue and personal psychology. While it […]