Arguing Rationally to the Irrational
How do companies navigate the circular logic of convincing irrational people by appeal to rational logic?
Charles H. Green is founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates LLC; read more about Charlie at can follow him on twitter @CharlesHGreen
How do companies navigate the circular logic of convincing irrational people by appeal to rational logic?
A (slightly) tongue in cheek explanation for how strategy and business process reengineering have had some negative consequences on the global economy.
A reminder: midnight tonight, Thursday July 9, is the due date for submissions to the July Carnival of Trust. Not heard of the Carnival of Trust? It’s a compilation of the Best Blogposts of the past month having to do in some way with the subject of trust: trust in relationships, business, politics, society–it’s a […]
Trust is often thought of as soft; but trust mitigates risk, and better than the usual ‘hard’ approaches.
Trust, truth-telling, and the rules of romance.
The Fourth of July is a unique event in small town America; a certain kind of trust is on high display.
Madoff wasn’t a unique criminal, just large scale; the bigger scandal is how an entire industry lionized him.
“Trust” is too vague a term to manage: this article breaks it down and tells how to build a trustworthy organization.
Like Justice Stewart’s definition of pornography, just because you know it when you see it doesn’t mean you can define trust.
Are current regulatory discussions increasing real trustworthiness in financial markets? Or just the appearance of trustworthiness?
In today’s fast-paced work environment, multitasking has become a badge of honor. We pride ourselves on juggling multiple projects, responding to emails during meetings, and switching between tasks with lightning speed. However, this constant task-switching comes with a hidden cost that extends far beyond reduced productivity – the habit of dividing our attention can fundamentally […]
According to a recent Braintrust study on B2B selling, only 33% of sales reps consistently hit their targets. Whether that data point reflects inaccurate goalsetting or a need for upskilling, that’s a lot of rejection. Losing a sale is a challenge that sits squarely at the intersection of business revenue and personal psychology. While it […]