The November Trust Matters Review

Trust Equation Michael Kitces asks which is more important: authenticity vs credibility? Should financial planners admit to their mistakes (to be authentic), or keep their mouths shut (to maintain credibility)?

Robert Cialdini writes about Bernie Madoff  — the fox who bamboozled other foxes (pdf).

In the Wall Street Journal, Robert Hurley lists 5 principles leaders can adopt to demonstrate trustworthiness and embed it in their companies.  The section on alignment of interest is particularly important.

Rachel Ehrenberg discusses H. Eugene Stanley‘s research into the problems with standard financial risk models.  If you don’t trust the assumptions underlying a mathematical model, expect the model to fail.  And you don’t need a degree in math, instead ask one simple question: do bankruptcies tend to cluster in time and space, or not?

Dave Brock discusses rule #1 of HR problems: if your employees are all bad, the problem doesn’t start with the employees.

John Gies discusses the immeasurable things that makes salespeople feel trustworthy.

Perhaps a case of “department of the obvious”, but research confirms that powerful people don’t take advice well.  There is a camp that says that’s good.  Warren Buffett and Steve Jobs are and were members, but is it good for most leaders?  Read and find out.

Penny Sarchet discusses the nocebo effect: do a patient’s negative expectations have the power to undermine the effectiveness of a treatment? And what is the responsibility of a doctor as a trusted advisor? Seems to me the implications of the nocebo effect are applicable outside medicine.

A war of all against all?  Not so fast, says neuroscientist Eric Fortune: brains are wired for cooperation.

In the department of “perhaps not what you’d expect”, Deborah Linville researches how men hire and promote women based on the perceived sexiness of their names.  Who do you think got ahead faster?

The Trust Matters Review highlights the best articles and posts on trust our research has turned up in the last month.

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