Entries by Charles H. Green

Golden Oldie No. 1: Operating Transparently

We’re taking a little break and going off-blog-grid for a few days: To paraphrase Mark Twain:  Persons attempting to find a motive in this action will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. But to keep the withdrawal […]

Upcoming Events 8/13/2010

It may be one of the most dreaded days of the year, but you shouldn’t let Friday the 13th sway you. Luck is what you make of it. The number 13 has some fantastic connotations to it. For instance, 13 loaves of bread makes a baker’s dozen, there are 13 cards in a suit, in […]

The TrustMatters Primer Volume 7

This ebook series is distributed to highlight some of the more provocative and insightful topics and conversations developed on the TrustedAdvisor blog, TrustMatters. It’s been a hot summer in our neck of the woods. The media has also been handling some hot topics, so it’s no surprise that TrustMatters found a theme: how high the […]

The TrustMatters Primer Volume 7

Greetings, and welcome to this month’s ebook Trust Primer 7. It’s been a record hot summer for many Trusted Advisor and TrustMatters readers; this is our contribution to keeping the heat up, but through dialogue instead of degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. The theme this time is trust and media. In this edition of the Trust […]