Entries by Charles H. Green

Upcoming Events and Appearances: Trusted Advisor Associates

Join us at one or more upcoming Trusted Advisor Associates events. This Spring, we’ll be hosting and participating in events in New York, NY; Washington, DC; Fargo, ND; Boston, MA; London, England and through globally accessed webinars. Also, a word about the Trusted Advisor Mastery Program. —————————————- Mon. Apr. 4th Global Charles H. Green Charlie […]

Upcoming Events and Appearances: Trusted Advisor Associates

Join us at one or more upcoming Trusted Advisor Associates events. This Spring, we’ll be hosting and participating in events in New York, NY; Washington, DC; Fargo, ND; Boston, MA; London, England and through globally accessed webinars. Also, a word about the Trusted Advisor Mastery Program. —————————————- Mon. Mar. 28th New York, NY Sandra Styer […]

8 MBAs Solve World Hunger. In Theory.

Back in October 2006 I started this blog, Trust Matters, by looking back from the vantage point of my 30th MBA reunion, in a post called Harvard Business School 30 Years Later: Bring Back Joe. That was five years ago. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of joining a golf outing with 7 […]

Trust Primer Volume 10

The theme of winning has for decades heavily influenced our approach to business. It seems as obvious as the air we breathe, hence we don’t even notice it. But winning has not always occupied the dominant positions it does today; go back and read Peter Drucker, for example. If we deeply explore the idea of […]

Upcoming Events and Appearances: Trusted Advisor Associates

Join us at one or more upcoming Trusted Advisor Associates events. This Spring, we’ll be hosting and participating in events in New York, NY; Washington, DC; and Fargo, ND and through globally accessed webinars. Also, a word about the Trusted Advisor Mastery Program. ———————————————— Mon. Mar. 28th New York, NY Sandra Styer Sandy Styer will […]

Sample Selling Without Giving Away the Store

“I know you recommend sample selling for intangible services, Charlie,” the caller said, “but I have to tell you, I think that’s naïve.” “I followed your advice,” he continued, “I gave them a great idea; but I didn’t get the deal. Worse, they stole my idea; now they’re making it a practice area. You can’t […]

Upcoming Events and Appearances: Trusted Advisor Associates

Join us at one or more upcoming Trusted Advisor Associates events. This Spring, we’ll be hosting and participating in events in New York, NY; Fargo, ND and through globally accessed webinars. Also, a word about the Trusted Advisor Mastery Program. ———————————————— Tues. Mar. 15th New York, NY Charles H. Green Charlie will be speaking in […]

Empty Calorie Social Networking

I’m an enthusiastic user of many social media. I welcome interaction on Twitter (@charleshgreen), for example. In many ways, online networking is sort of the first derivative of the old, face-to-face type—faster, shallower, but broader and more far-reaching, and with essentially the same objective. Still, there are some differences. In ‘real’ (i.e. analog) life, socializing […]

The Trusted Advisor and The King’s Speech

Datapoint 1. Maybe you’ve seen the Oscar-winning The King’s Speech by now. Certainly you’ve read about it. Datapoint 2. If you’re reading this blog, you probably know I’m the co-author of The Trusted Advisor (with David Maister and Rob Galford). There is a connection between those two datapoints. But it took executive coach Paul Rutherford […]