Cindy Miller

Cindy Miller

Leadership Consultant

It is a privilege to be part of the Trust Advisory team as a certified facilitator for the Trust-Based Leadership course. For more than 25 years, I’ve been happy serving clients with marketing and communication strategies, training and consulting. The greatest joy I get out of training is when leaders realize how influential they can be when they are authentic and stay true to their values.

I have worked with entrepreneurs, startups and Fortune 500 companies all over the world within multiple industries. I am certified in several personality assessments including DiSC Profile, MindScan, and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument; and have facilitated workshops on more than 30 different leadership topics. When I’m not consulting, I am a chauffeur for two beautiful, active children, and one spunky Portuguese Waterdog.

My Trust Story

My favorite Fundamental Attitude in The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook  is, It’s Not about You. I learned this (among other things) the hard way.

Eager to land a new client, I led the introduction of our consultant team to a boardroom full of prospects. The meeting began with the CEO politely asking us to tell them a bit about ourselves. With plenty of intel at my disposal, I launched into a 20-minute spiel about our history, our client base, our success stories, our pricing structure, and more! So consumed with my story, I didn’t notice the eyes glossing over, the notebooks closing, the occasional glance down at the cell phone. When I finally stopped speaking, the meeting was over. The attendees were standing to leave and I had learned nothing. Their needs, their goals, their plans were still a mystery. I didn’t take the time at the very beginning to ask what they wanted to know about us, or how they arrived at their present position.

Before attending a meeting or starting a conversation, put your ego on mute. With your focus directed at the other person and how you can help them, you are capable of really listening and therefore, you can really help them. Isn’t that the point after all?

My Services

Facilitator for Trust-Based Leadership workshop.

My Trust Temperament:

The Doer™

If you would like more information, please reach out to us.